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Tourists and a Guide

By : Unknown
Tourists and a Guide
Procedure :
  • Each student takes one postcard either from the teacher’s collection or their own, and imagines that he/she is in that place.
  • Inform the students they will take roles as tourists and guides.
  • Ask the students to use 5 words to describe their pictures or the words you have given, and then they have to make 5 sentences from the pictures they have.
  • One student will come forward as a guide and give a presentation based on the picture they have, while other students are called tourists who ask give several questions to the guide.
  • The guide may also ask the tourists some questions after giving the presentation.
Variation :
If your resources do not stretch to a collection of postcards, this can also be done more simply by using pieces of paper with place names written on them. In this case, because there are no clues to help students, you must make sute that all the place names are familiar to the class.
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Simon Says

By : Unknown
Simon Says

Simon says "Please, raise your right hand"...
Simon says "Please, touch your mouth" ...
"Could you please touch your head ?"

Have you played that game ... ??? Want to know the procedure ?

Click the link below :)

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Assignment For Grammar

By : Unknown
Assignment For Grammar (Indefinite and Definite)

Choose the correct article in each sentence.

1) Did you bring                      (a, an, the) umbrella?
2) Are you looking for                      (a, an, the) shampoo?
3) I checked                      (a, an, the) mailbox again.
4) Can I have                      (a, an, the) spoon please?
5) I was born into                      (a, an, the) poor family.
6) She will come back in                      (a, an, the) hour.
7) Have you been to                      (a, an, the) Space Needle Tower in Seattle?
8) I would love to talk to one of                      (a, an, the) managers.
9) What                      (a, an, the) amazing view!
10) The helicopter landed on                      (a, an, the) roof of a building.

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Assignment For Writing

By : Unknown
Assignment For Writing (Postcards)

For so many peoples, studying English means travelling overseas. For these peoples, every day is a chance to experience something new. They can share their experiences with others with a simple postcard written in English. Postcards follow a standard format that can give you practice with the simple past or present progressive tenses. They are also a great way to apply vocabulary about vacation or geography. Standard postcards have five simple parts.
  1. The greeting
  2. A sentence about where you are
  3. One or two sentences about what you are doing or have done
  4. A closing
  5. A signature
When students follow this formula, their postcard will look like the following.
Dear _____,
I am in _________. We are having a great time. Yesterday we __________. Monday we ___________. Wish you were here.
Love, _________
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Assignment For Reading

By : Unknown
Assignment For Reading (The Dangers of Radiation)

First, click this link for the exercise :

Please read this text and fill the blank with the words on the link above. Let's try it :)

Most people hear terms like radiation and ______(1) as a bad or dangerous thing. It turns out that _____(2) are ordinarily harmful to humans. For example, ultraviolet radiation can give people sunburns. X-rays and gamma rays can _____(3), or even die if they are exposed to them for a very long time. Some types of particle radiation can also make people sick and lead to burns. Any type of radiation that causes changes in the world like these is referred to _____(4). If radiation does not carry high enough levels of energy, though, then these changes _____(5) something is hit by the radiation. This is referred to as non-ionizing radiation, which is not as dangerous.
One can distinguish between various types of radiation by _____(6) of the radiation, its wavelength (if the radiation is electromagnetic), the amount of energy being carried, any particles involved, etc. Radioactive material is a physical material that emits radiation. Uranium and _____(7) radioactive materials. The atoms they are made of tend to fall apart and give off different kinds of radiation, like gamma rays and lots of types of particle radiation.

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Assignment For Speaking

By : Unknown
Giving Directions
First, click this link for the audio :

This assignment will test your speaking ability, In this assignment you have too listen carefully what the audio says and then you have to fill the blank. Let's try it :)

(First,) go down this street (for ____ blocks).
(Then,) turn left/right at the traffic light.
(After that,) go straight on _____ Street until you get to the ______.
(When you get to the _____,) turn left/right again.
(Then,) stay on_______Avenue for about _______ yards/meters.
It's on your left, next to the __________. You can't miss it

1. Excuse me. Is there a grocery store around here?
  • Yeah. There's one right across the street.

2. Can you tell me how to get to Phoenix?
  • Sorry. I don't live around here.
3. Where's Tanner's Leather Shop?
  • It's on the corner of Holly and Vine. Next to the library.
4. How do you get to the bank?
  • Go straight down this street for two blocks. Turn left when you get to Maple Street. Stay on Maple for half a block. It's on the left hand side.
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